Thursday, June 24, 2010

Site update

Hi Guys,

Given the number of new kit and AM sets being released it is impossible to keep up due to the time required to produce the style of in-depth detailed reviews I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) you guys prefer to see here.

With that in mind I will be upgrading the Kit Preview page to a more permanent status to include previews of new kits as released that will include images of the kit contents, some detailed images of the standout features and a brief synopsis of the kit.

This will hopefully allow you to get an idea of the kits if I'm unable to get the full review done before being overtaken by newer releases, something that has unfortunately occurred on a number of occasions in the past.

Full reviews will be done as time permits as well as further comparison reviews which by their nature take even more time again being even more detailed than 'normal' type reviews.

I'll be posting the upgraded Preview section in a day or so with some of the more recent kits to hit the shelves.

And yes the s.IG33 comparison is still coming, it's just taking longer than I'd like. The kits might be small in size but quite complex when analysing almost every nook and cranny.

Any comments welcome.

Terry A. 

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